Already appealing to top graduate students worldwide, UNC’s allure will only increase thanks to the creation of Roshan Institute Fellowships for Excellence in Persian Studies. These new fellowships, made possible through Roshan Institute Fund for Excellence in Persian Studies established by a grant from Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute, will provide much-needed support for Carolina’s efforts to attract and retain graduate students of the highest quality. Plus, they will allow the University to increase diversity among its graduate student population by helping offset additional costs incurred by international and out-of-state students.
Through Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute Fellowships, UNC will be able to offer one or more nonrenewable “top-up” stipends to supplement standard Graduate School awards. Designed to be competitive with those offered by peer institutions, these fellowships stand to significantly enhance Carolina’s recruiting efforts. In addition, awards for summer research in Persian studies may also be offered. Such grants will enable students to advance more quickly through their PhD program by spending time on research over their summers rather than having to work.