Supporting Preservation, Transmission & Instruction of Persian Language & Culture
Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute is proud to partner with a multitude of universities across the United States and abroad to advance Persian studies. Support has been provided to develop Persian studies programs, to establish faculty positions, fellowships and scholarships, and to sponsor research projects and cultural programs.
Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute has awarded fellowships to faculty members, researchers, graduate students and other individuals whose projects aimed to further scholarship in Persian studies and contribute to a greater appreciation of Persian culture.
We commend their outstanding achievements and welcome them all into our network of Roshan Institute Fellows. Recipients of our fellowships or scholarships established at several institutions around the world are listed under that institution in our Grants to Universities or Other Institutions webpages.
Latest Announcements

Nine SBS Faculty Receive 2024 University of Arizona Women of Impact Awards
The College of SBS congratulates faculty Andrea Gerlak, Simin Karimi, Josephine Korchmaros, Maha Nassar, Lori Poloni-Staudinger, Jessica Retis,...

A virtual talk by Dr. Austin O’Malley (University of Arizona) launching his book, The Poetics of Spiritual Instruction: Farid al-Din ʿAttar and Persian Sufi Didacticism
Please join us on Sunday, April 21, 2024 for a virtual talk by Dr. Austin O'Malley (University of Arizona) launching his book, The Poetics of...

A film screening & discussion with director Maryam Sepehri
Roshan Institute for Persian Studies Elahé Mir-djalali speaker series invites you to:Alborz we climb mountainsA documentary in persian with english...