Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute is proud to announce the completion of the documentary film, Classical Persian Music – Hossein Omoumi from Isfahan to Irvine,” which introduces the history and beauty of classical Persian music through Professor Hossein Omoumi’s innovations in education and musical technology. Dr. Omoumi, Maseeh Professor of Persian Performing Arts at the University of California, Irvine, is an internationally recognized musician, master of the Persian reed flute (ney), teacher and scholar. He has made it his life’s mission to provide global access to classical Persian music.

The film engages a diverse audience, following the life of Professor Omoumi while also providing insight into Persian music itself. The film also briefly presents a series of eleven lessons called “Pish-Radif” (Pre-Radif or overture to Radif) created by Professor Omoumi that are designed to introduce students to the main musical structures of classical Persian music systems in a short time by working on eleven of the twelve complex systems in Radif. Those interested in knowing more about the history and structure of classical Persian music and poetry and their relation to one another and learning the Pish-Radif may refer to the website and the iBook of Pish-Radif.

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