Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute is delighted to announce that Tytus Mikolajczak, Ph.D. student in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at The University of Chicago, has been selected as the first Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali Fellow.

This collaborative fellowship between the Department of Islamic Art of the Louvre Museum and the Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago is made possible through the support of the Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali Fund at the Louvre, named in honor of the founding Chair and President of Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute. During 2014-2015, Mr. Mikolajczak will document the Oriental Institute Museum’s collection of Achaemenid objects under the guidance of Dr. Matthew Stolper (John A. Wilson Professor Emeritus of Oriental Studies, Oriental Institute), Dr. Jack Green (Chief Curator, Oriental Institute Museum), Professor Emeritus Pierre Briant (Collège de France) and Yannick Lintz (Director, Department of Islamic Art, Louvre). The results of this fellowship will greatly contribute to the Achemenet Program at the Louvre, which aims to gather and make accessible online materials pertaining to the Achaemenid Persian Empire.

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