The Persian Studies Program at San José State University is holding several exciting events this fall designed to celebrate Persian art, literature and culture. On October 14, Omid Scheybani will deliver a talk on “Iran: A Smartphone Photographer’s Perspective,” followed by “Persian Miniature Painting and the Shahnameh” by SJSU’s own Dr. Johanna Movassat on October 16. On November 13, the University will welcome Dr. Ladan Akbarnia, curator of Islamic art at the British Museum and executive director of Iran Heritage Foundation, for a lecture on “East-West Cultural Transmissions in Post Mongol Iran.” Finally, Sara Mashayekh will present a one-woman show entitled “Off the Curtain: The Tragedy of Rostam and Sohrab” on November 15. Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute is delighted to support these activities and the Persian Studies Program of SJSU.

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