Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute is proud to sponsor the first North American Conference in Iranian Linguistics (NACIL 1), on April 27-30, 2017, at Stony Brook University. NACIL 1 is hosted by the Department of Linguistics at Stony Brook University, led by Chair and Professor, Dr. Richard Larson.

The Iranian language family hosts some of the densest variation in grammatical systems on the planet. Despite the remarkable scientific potential of the Iranian language family as a “laboratory” for comparative study, and unlike the situation with nearly every other major language family, no conference has ever been held in the US specializing exclusively in languages of the Iranian family. NACIL 1 aims at filling this gap.

The conference is organized by Professor Richard Larson, who has a long-standing research interest in the languages of the Iranian family and on their implications for linguistic theory. Conference keynote speakers include Iranian linguistics scholars: Dr. Jila Ghomeshi, University of Manitoba; Dr. Geoffrey Haig, Universität Bamberg; Dr. Simin Karimi, University of Arizona; and Dr. Pollet Samvelian, Université Paris III.

Find out more about the Conference