The Art of Book: Lithographic Printing in Iran
Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute is pleased to announce The Art of Book: Lithographic
Printing in Iran, a lecture presented by Dr. Mahbobe and hosted by Roshan Institute for Persian Studies at the University of Maryland.
Dr. Mahbobe Ghods holds an EdD in Art Education from Teachers College, Columbia University, and an MFA and a BA from Lehman College.
She teaches printmaking courses at Teachers College, Columbia University. Ghods current research involves the effects of lithographic printing on the book art in Iran. Dr. Ghods is the recipient of several fellowships and awards, and has presented her research at
CAA, NAEA, ISIS and INSEA at the University of Heidelberg.
Mahbobe is also an artist and her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally.
She was the primary force for an international installation called Making Invisible Visible which has been exhibited in Troy, New York, Delft, the Netherlands, and Berlin, Germany as a tri-city art exhibition with a final showing at Macy Gallery, Teachers College, Columbia University in 2010-2011 and will exhibit her new art works in Montreal, Canada spring 2015.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | St. Mary’s Hall | University of Maryland.