Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute is sad to announce the passing of Professor Farhat Jacob Ziadeh, a distinguished scholar of Islamic law, on June 8, 2016, at the age of 99. Professor Ziadeh was born in Ramallah, Palestine. He graduated from the American University at Beirut, then studied law at the University of London where he received his LL.B. degree in 1940. After being a part-time Lecturer in Arabic, then a full-time Professor, at Princeton University, he was invited by the University of Washington in 1966, to develop and head a new program in Near Eastern studies. In 1970, the University formally established the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literature with Professor Ziadeh as his Chairman. From 1975 to 1982, he also served as Director of the University’s interdisciplinary Near Eastern Center. Professor Ziadeh was elected President of many academic associations and served on numerous boards. In 2001, the University of Washington established The Farhad J. Ziadeh Distinguished Lecture in Arab and Islamic Studies, in honor of Professor Ziadeh’s contributions to Islamic law, Arabic language and Islamic Studies.

A celebration of Professor Ziadeh’s life will be held at the University of Washington Club on August 13, 2016, at 1:00 p.m.
Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute is proud to have established in 2003 the Roshan Institute Fellowship for Excellence in Persian Studies to provide support to future generations of graduate students in the Persian and Iranian Studies Program in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilization.