Professor Homa Katouzian, Roshan Institute Academic Visitor in Iranian Studies at Oxford, supervised four DPhil (Ph.D.) students, Rowena Abdul Razak (Ph.D.) from Malaysia, Alen Shadunts (Ph.D.) from Armenia, Basak Kilerci (Ph.D. Candidate) from Turkey, and Morad Moazami (Ph.D. Candidate) from Iran.
In January, the Chinese edition of his book, The Persians, was published by Yilin Press. In September, the second edition of his Hedayat book was published by I.B. Tauris (Bloomsbury Publishers). His Poetry and Revolution, poets, and poetry of the Constitutional Revolution of Iran (edited collection) is due to be published in July 2022 by Routledge publishes. The paperback of Sa’di in Love is due to be published by Tauris / Bloomsbury in September 2022. His work on Humour in Iran, eleven-hundred years of satire and humor, is progressing well.
A book entitled What is History, and thirty other essays are under publication by Nashr-e Markaz, Tehran. He has given eight lectures on Iran’s history 1800-2000, two virtual lectures on the Constitutional Revolution, and four virtual lectures on Hedayat and Jamalzadeh to Iranian students since August 2021. He also contributed a paper on the Constitutional Revolution to the annual conference of Iran’s Sociology Society, the proceedings of which are about to be published in a single volume.